Melbourne Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist Blog

Melbourne makeup artist and hair stylist Kristy Bassett shares her tips, inspiration and latest work

Hair and Makeup Bollywood Style!

Earlier this year I was the hair and makeup artist for a Bollywood film clip shot in Adelaide.  I had so much fun and everyone involved was just beautiful (as well as extremely talented).

The single is titled 'Dukh' and comes from 'Satrangi' - the very first Punjabi album to be shot and produced entirely in Adelaide. The star of the clip is Gurdeepak who has one of the best voices in the country and is already known nationally as one of Australia's finest Punjabi singers.

A big thankyou to Saloni and Deep for giving me the opportunity to be involved in this exciting and challenging hair and makeup project and congrats to Metalle (the other star of the show) on her Miss Victoria crown!

Melbourne Hair & Makeup Artist